Help us give a "Public" face to the Shrine.
We need Nobles and Ladies to participate in the parades.
We have a great time. Please Join us! Contact
Jimmy Clugston (505)632-3779

San Juan County Fair Parade
Friday July 26th 2013
We would like to thank

Tommy and Bessie Brown
Jimmy Clugston and Clare McNeal
Verlin and Dar Schurman
Alice Schurman
Erick and Betty VanEckhoutte

for coming out to help with the parade!

The theme for the 2013 Fair Parade was:
“Fun for EWE and ME”.
We handed out blow-up ice cream cones and surf boards to children along the route.
And shot goofy string at each other.


Parades 2010
Parades 2011
Parades 2012