Here are the list of winners.

1. Nona Yazzie..................Pistol
 2. Fred LaMone.................Rifle
          3. Jim Kleineggers..............Shotgun
       4. Jerry Bevins...................$100.00

San Juan Shrine Club would like to thank everyone for buying raffle tickets.

(1) Taurus 1911 45acp Pistol
w/sig tactical light

(1) Tri Star Tactical Shotgun
12 gauge w/sig tactical light

(1)Browning A-Bolt Rifle
325 wsm w/bushnell 3x9-40

(1) $100.00 Cash Prize

Drawing to be held on, August 6, 2010.
The tickets are $10.00 each.
Only 2000 tickets will be sold, be sure to purchase your tickets ASAP,
the odds of winning are fantastic!
To sell or purchase tickets, contact:
William Goforth,(505) 334-1969 or Neil Schurman (505) 325-1947 .

Neil Schurman and Kevin Smith out pushing raffle tickets.
Hope everyone is selling lot of tickets.

Bill Goforth, Neil Schurman,and Jimmy Clugston
went out to Sams Club for a long hot day of selling raffle tickets.
We sold about $350.00

All raffle tickets need to be turn in at are next meeting July,22.
Thanks to every one for selling tickets!!!!